Monday 23 May 2016

Lovely May days

happy dogs in the sun
So far May has proved to be a busy month and it's so nice to see everything in the countryside greening up and all the wildlife being active in the fields around us. Just this morning there were about half a dozen hares in the field, we had a woodpecker at the bird feeder last week and we also spotted two swans with their little signets following them across the kids playpark in the village!
We've had some new doggy guests and the return of some of our regulars this month too. The chooks are doing really well and we're getting up to eight eggs a day with the odd double yoker from time to time. It was even warm enough one day to give wee Squiggles our cute Shetland pony a bath!
Our new horses have settled in a treat and are really enjoying the better weather, especially when they get to have a roll around with no rugs on and then a wee mad turn round the field. I've had the pleasure and honour of getting to ride the beautiful Rosie who is liveried here and she is an absolute darlin'! I've even started taking lessons to try and get a bit better and build my confidence up a bit, it's really good fun and I've got a lot to learn but I'm loving it x
Wet Squigs
Rosie and me x