Friday 3 February 2017

February is here!

Hooray it's not dark at 4pm anymore!! The feeling of starting to move into the lighter nights is very much a welcome one here at Windyhill, the winter is not so bad once all the chores are done and I'm in the house with a hot cuppa, I love the feeling of knowing the dogs are tucked up tight and cosy in their kennels and I get to sit and cuddle mine in front of the fire. I'm now up to four of my own in the house, we have Penny the terrier, Tulla my old girl who will be 17 this summer, Roxy my lovely wee three year old fox red labrador who we got back in September and Lyra the bedlington/whippet who is now 7 months and a wee bit of a handful but very easy to love...aren't they all!!

Me with my girls x

We've also had lots of new dogs coming into the kennels, we were full at New Year! So we got to see lots of four legged friends who had been before and made some new pals too. We did a bit of improvement work to the dog runs over the winter too, laying slabs so that they have a hard standing when they are out rather than just the grass as it does get a bit mushy during the wet weather. I've also been putting new floor coverings down in some of the kennels and they are looking good. My plan is to get some painting done over the next few weeks to give a wee freshen up, here's hoping for some nice dry weather so I can get on with it!
Some happy dogs at New Year

One of our newly done kennels